Wednesday, April 28, 2010

There's Hope for America! Honest!!

Over at the Washington Post Web site, you can see the stories in the paper that readers have chosen to "share" with their online social network friends, that is, stories people have thought worthwhile to pass along to someone they actually know, or at a minimum, virtually know.

Of today's top five, four had three or four hundred "shares." They were what I think any nonpartisan observer would call the usual political bullshit. Washington is a company town after all, and the aforementioned substance is what the company makes. I forgot the topics as soon I as saw the headlines.

In first place, with 2578 shares, at least five times more than any other Post story, was the following earthshattering news "Family of Wandering Ducks Gets an Escort Home."

I think I read that story once. But I thought it happened in Boston. No matter. As long as cute animal stories are what interests my fellow citizens the most, the Republic endures.


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