Friday, October 27, 2006

Not a Political Post! Honest. More Cosmic

So I'm back with the groceries yesterday and the local Whole Foods slipped a "Vote Yes on One" brochure into the sack (that's to allow wine to be sold in Massachusetts groceries stores and you know the hippie fascists are bankrolling the whole deal). That was okay, because in the sack with the wine for the bolognaise sauce, the packy located 40 yards away inserted a "Vote No" brochure inside.

Hope Gee is a better citizen then I'll ever be. She looked at the two brochures and said in real perplexity, "I'll have to read up and decide on this. won't I?"

My daughter is 18. In its infinite wisdom, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts has told her to help make a law that she can only break no matter which side wins. There are thousands of young voters in the same boat, and in the world's biggest college town, no, state, they might hold the balance of power come Election Day. On Nov. 8, they'll get busted whether they're in the packy or the grocery store.

That strikes me as very, very weird.


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